Twuak Processing Production and Revenue in Lingat Village Selaru Sub-District, Maluku Tenggara Barat District

Johanna M. Luhukay, Leunard Onisivorus Kakisina


Lingat Village is one of the villages in the Selaru Subdistrict where the community processes the Lontar plant as the main livelihood, because there are a lot of lontar plants and the community is still active in commercializing this plant which is made into Twuak. Twuak is a processed product from the sap that is produced from palm trees which is a very important source of household income. This study aims to determine the production of Twuak processing business and the feasibility of its processing business. The method used is using a simple random sampling technique wherein the sampling is done randomly without regard to strata in certain populations, with the number of samples taken is 90 heads of households who process Twuak. The results showed that the characteristics of the highest age Twuak manager between 35-45 years amounted to 56 (62.22%), level of education graduated from elementary school 33 (36.67%), the number of family members 3-4 people 54 (60%) and business experience tifar 10-20 years 62 (68.60%). The average annual production level of Twuak's processing business is 1,022 Liters, with an average Twuak income of Rp.39,811,126.


Twuak; Production ; Income

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