Awareness and Perceived Indicators of Climate Change among Seaweed Farmers in Jambiani Village, Unguja Island

Mohamed M.S Rijja, Amelia S. Buriyo


Climate change remains to be the biggest challenge threatening to undo sustainability of socio-economic activities. The study investigated seaweed farmers’ awareness and their perceived indicators of climate change in Jambiani village, Unguja Island. A cross sectional study was adopted to interview 100 seaweed farmers between September and November, 2016. A mixed approach was used, of which primary data collection tools includes Questionnaires with close and open-ended questions and Focus Group Discussion, and secondary climate data was integrated. The results indicated that, majority (93%) seaweed farmers were aware of the changes in climate, and 97.75% perceived elevation of seawater temperature, 71.76% perceived an increase in intensity of ocean waves and 93.37% south- easterly (Kusi) monsoon wind, 84.58% longer periods of north-easterly (Kaskazi) monsoon winds and 78 % perceived changes in distribution and disappearance of near shoreline fringing reefs as climate change indicators. Analysis of empirical secondary data from TMA showed elevation of terrestrial and seawater temperature by 1.22°C (y=0.03x+30.281) and 0.62°C (y=0.0219x+27.256) respectively as well as big ocean wave heights navigating between months of June and September of the year. Seaweed farmers are aware of the changes in weather and climate and capable to correctly identify and associates different environment-related uncertainties to climate changes, but lack expertise in proper use and integration of various climate instability situations into suitable and appropriate farming practices for improved production. Thus, the study recommends introduction of insurance schemes to the industry as resilience mechanisms to climate related changes in seaweed industry and extension services through extension officers meant to offer technical education and services to seaweed farmers on the best adjustment ways to on-going environmental and weather changes that meant to safeguard seaweed industry.


Climate Change, Jambiani Village, Seaweed Farming, Unguja Island.

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