Propensity Score Matching to Analyze the Impact of Implementing Good Agricultural Practices on White Pepper Farming in Bangka Belitung Islands Province

Rostiar Sitorus, Harianto ., Suharno ., Yusman Syaukat


White pepper produced by farmers in the Bangka Belitung Islands Province is internationally recognized as a product that is unique in both taste and quality. Thus, in international trade, the geographical indication label of Muntok White Pepper is applied. Efforts to maintain quality and productivity are carried out by applying good agricultural practices. This study aimed to examine the impact of implementing Good Agricultural Practices on productivity, selling prices, and income of white pepper farmers in the Bangka Belitung Islands Province. This study used primary cross-section data collected from farmers in the production center of white pepper in the West Bangka Regency, South Bangka Regency, and Central Bangka Regency. The survey was conducted in April-June 2019. A sampling of respondents consisted of 142 farmer respondents who implemented GAP and 82 non-GAP farmers. This study estimated the impact of implementing GAP using the Propensity Score Matching (PSM) technique. The results show that the application of GAP significantly increased productivity, selling prices, and income of white pepper farmers. GAP socialization activity is an essential factor in its application; thus, future GAP socialization activities should be improved and more evenly distributed to all areas of white pepper farming.

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