Lesson Study on The Development of Local Potential-Based Learning Material to Improve Professional Competence of Elementary School Teachers

Rokhmaniyah ., Joharman ., Ngatman .


This article describes the results of research of lesson study on the development of local potential-based learning material to improve the professional competence of elementary school teachers in Alian, Mirit and Kebumen Sub-District. This research uses Research and Development approach and quasi-experimental methods. The subjects of this research are elementary school teachers in Alian, Mirit and Kebumen sub-districts amounting to 18 people. Data collection is carried out through (1) Focus Group Discussion (FGD), (2) observation, (3) test and (4) interview. The result of the research can be concluded that: (1) Lesson study on the development of local potential-based learning materials can improve the professional competence of elementary school teachers. The implementation is through learning plan and preparation of learning tools by focus group discussion/FGDs I and II. The implementation (Do) is carried out by open classes I and II and the reflection (see) is to evaluate learning in order to be done better by FGD. (2) Lesson study can produce learning materials based on quality local potential. The conclusion of test result shows that there is a significant influence between teachers who have already written learning materials and teachers who have never written learning materials.


professional competence, lesson study, learning materials, local potential

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.52155/ijpsat.v5.2.157


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