A Literature Review on the Mediating Role of Organizational Commitment and Job Satisfaction on the Relationship between Organizational Learning and Individual Work Performance among Bangladeshi Call Center Employees
Currently, it is widely believed that organisational learning is the best approach to improve organisational work outcomes such as employees work performance, job satisfaction, organisational commitment etc. Organisational learning is no longer exclusive to the private sector, and it is increasingly emerging as an essential strategy in the public service sector. The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of organisational learning, organisational commitment and job satisfaction on work performance among Bangladeshi call centres employees. Besides, this study seeks to determine the role of organisational commitment and job satisfaction as a mediator on the relationship between organisational learning and public service managers’ work performance. The population of the study is around 9,500 employees at a number of 150 renowned call centres in Dhaka. This article mainly focuses on the literature review on the published articles regarding the topic in the last decade. It also presents an in-depth argument on various point of views articulated by Bangladeshi scholars focusing on organizational learning and job satisfaction in private call centres. Finally,, the researcher provides recommendations for the future study in this field.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.52155/ijpsat.v19.1.1566
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