The Effect of Academic Supervision and Achievement Motivation to the Teachers’ Performance of Senior High School

. Lindra, . Rusdinal, Ahmad Sabandi


The purpose of this study was to determine (1) the effect of academic supervision (X1) on teacher performance (Y), (2) the effect of achievement motivation (X2) on teacher performance (Y); (3) the effect of academic supervision (X1) and achievement motivation (X2) together on teacher performance (Y). This research is correlational research that uses quantitative data. The population is 459 teachers and the sample is 209 teachers taken by using the proportional stratified random sampling. Data is gotten from questionnaire in Likert Scale form. The data analysis technique uses Bivariate correlation and multiple correlational, with requirement analysis test that is normality, homo geniety, and linearity and regression.


Data analysis shows that variable distributes normally, homogene, and gives the effect significantly and linear. The results showed that academic supervision had an influence on teacher performance by 22.4%, then achievement motivation had an effect on teacher performance by 33.4%, and both variables X1 and X2 had an effect on teacher performance (Y) by 38.44%. It can be concluded that (1) there is significant effects between academic supervision and teachers’ performance of senior high school. (2) There is significant effects between achievement motivation and teachers’ performance of senior High School, (3) there is the significant effects between academic supervision and achievement motivation to the teachers’ performance of Senior high school.


Teachers’ performance, academic supervision, and achievement motivation

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Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia No. 14 Tahun 2005 Tentang Guru dan Dosen.



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