The Transformation of Ideas about Ethical-Humanistic Dimensions of Science in the Context of Eastern and Western Philosophy

Emine Izzetova, Li Ekaterina


The article is devoted to the analysis of ethical parameters of science in the context of the philosophy of East and West. It is shown the evolution of ideas about the ethical norms of science in the philosophies of Central Asia scientists such as al-Farabi, Abu Rayhan Beruni and Ibn Sina. The problem of morality and cognition is perennial. History of science development (the development of the atomic and hydrogen bombs, modern genetic engineering, the environmental situation, cloning and ICT, etc.) confirms its relevance at all stages of human civilization development. Ethical spheres of science were developed in the proceedings of philosophers of the West: Gassendi, Boyle, Descartes and Merton. A new type of rationality, which is now approved by the post-non-classical science, resonates with ancient Eastern concepts about the relationship of truth and morality. In the strategies with complex man-sized systems as benchmarks are not only knowledge but also moral principles, imposing bans on dangerous for human beings ways of experimenting with the system and its transformation.


Science, Ethics, Standards, Scientific Knowledge, Man-Sized Systems, Scientific Ethos, Humanism, Values, Truth, Cognition, Culture, Digital Ethics

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