Motifs d’Hospitalisation des Patients en Dermatologie à Antananarivo, Madagascar

Irina Mamisoa RANAIVO, Jenny Larissa RAKOTOMANANA, Malalaniaina ANDRIANARISON, Fandresena Arilala SENDRASOA, Lala Soavina RAMAROZATOVO, Fahafahantsoa RAPELANORO RABENJA


Introduction: The Dermatology Department of the University Hospital Center of Befelatanana in Antananarivo deals with both outpatient and inpatient dermatoses. Two outpatient studies were conducted in 2001 and in 2006. But, this will be the first for Madagascar regarding hospitalization. So our aim is to determine the epidemiological-clinical profile of dermatoses seen in hospitalization.

Patients and methods: This descriptive retrospective study was conducted from 1 February 2006 to 28 February 2012 in Dermatology department at the University Hospital Befelatanana. The register of hospital consultants and files were used to fill out data collection form.

Results : We collected 286 patients seen in the Dermatology department. The mean age was 37.70 years (5- 98 years) with a sex ratio 0.49. Our study showed the importance of autoimmune diseases (33.3%) that are dominated by systemic lupus erythematosus (n = 51). It is a serious chronic pathology evolving by push. The management of severe toxidermia (25,1%) is done in hospital as in any other country. The mean duration of hospitalization was 34 days. The mortality rate was 3.49%.

Conclusion: The serious forms of dermatological pathologies require management in hospital.



Dermatoses, hospitalisation, durée d'hospitalisation, Madagascar

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Copyright (c) 2019 Irina Mamisoa RANAIVO, Jenny Larissa RAKOTOMANANA, Malalaniaina ANDRIANARISON, Fandresena Arilala SENDRASOA, Lala Soavina RAMAROZATOVO, Fahafahantsoa RAPELANORO RABENJA

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