Improvement of Critical Thinking Skills of Students of Class X Mia Man 3 Kota Padang Panjang Using Guided Inquiry

Refma Dewita, Yuni Ahda


Education is an effort to develop students in terms of knowledge, attitudes and skills in a social environment in which interaction occurs between students and educators. The purpose of this study was to determine the improvement of knowledge competencies, attitude competencies and skills competencies of students by using a guided inquiry model. The research subjects were class X MIA MAN 3 Kota Padang Panjang. The data analysis used in this study is qualitative analysis carried out descriptively. The design of this study uses classroom action research. This classroom action research was conducted in 2 cycles, each cycle of which was held 3 times. The results of this study indicate that the average score of knowledge, attitudes and skills of students of class X MIA has increased. The first cycle obtained an average of 77.87%, while in the second cycle there was an increase of 82,49%. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the students' critical thinking skills using guided inquiry models can improve the learning outcomes of students of class X MIA MAN 3 Kota Padang Panjang.


Critical thinking, Guided inquiry model, Class Action Research

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Available [Online] at: diakses 24 Januari 2019.



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