Application of Mind Map Active Learning Strategy in Biology Learning for Class VIII Students of Smpn 1 Salo Kampar Riau

Essa Maurisni, . Gusmaweti, . Azrita


The purpose of this study was to determine differences in the biology of learning outcomes using active learning strategies Mind Map with conventional learning in class VIII SMP N 1 Salo,Bangkinang - Riau . The population in this study were all eighth grade students of SMP N 1 Salo as much as 3 classes listed in the school year 2012/2013 . Determination of sample classes conducted by purposive sampling , whereas to determine the experimental class and control class by way of random sampling . In this study, the experimental class is VIIIB class and control class is the class VIIIC . At the end of the tests conducted found that the average value of the experimental class with a 77.67 percentage of student learning outcomes completeness of 85.7 % and the average value of the control class with a percentage of 70.92 completeness 59.2 % of student learning outcomes. Assessment of learning outcomes in the affective aspects of experimental class higher than the control class with an average of 87.47 affective in the experimental class while the average value of 83.4 in the control class as well as the average value of the experimental class psychomotor 83.51 more better than the control class 78.85. There are differences in student learning outcomes by using the application of active learning strategies in learning biology Mind Map in class VIII SMP N 1 Salo.


Active Learning , Mind Map , Cognitive , Affective, Psychomotor.

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