The Nexus between Cultural Practises and Women Leadership Positions
Current studies have indicated that great inequality exists in Kenya in the positions of leadership in regard to women in most organizations. The situation of inequality is the same in Kuria West. Most organizations, especially schools and Non-Governmental Organisations have more men than women at senior managerial positions. The study sought to determine the role of cultural practices in influencing the women to take positions of leadership in Kuria West, Migori County. The study was based on descriptive survey design. The study used systematic random sampling to select a sample of women who took part. The study findings may be used to create awareness on the importance of gender equality and hence improve gender balance in high leadership positions. The findings revealed that the main hindrance to women in power was women themselves and culture was the main reason for main obstructers to women in power. In conclusion, most respondents were of the view that culture did not allow women to take leadership roles. Furthermore, there was a negative effect of gender roles as defined by the culture on leadership. In addition, the main reason for the effect of gender roles as defined by the culture on leadership was stereotype and the main challenge was discrimination as women quest for leadership positions. Firstly, it is recommended that there should be also initiatives that will be geared towards ensuring that women are empowered. Secondly, it was realized from the study that the education level of respondents was inadequate.
Key words: Culture; Cultural Practices; Leadership; Position.
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