Pacu Kudo Attraction in Tanah Datar District and Social Economic Impacts of the Community

Sarmita Farid, Siti Fatimah


This study aims to determine the impact of the Pacu Kudo attraction on the socio-economic community in Tanah Datar District especially those around the Gelang Dang Tuanku Bukit Gombak. This study uses historical research methods with the steps (1) Heuristics that is looking for and collecting information obtained as data sources, in the form of written data sources in the form of documents, archives, newspapers and can be in the form of letters, news in newspapers and others, as well using data collection techniques through observation, interviews and documentation. (2) Source Criticism is done by testing the authenticity and validity of the data, (3) analyzing and interpreting the data that has been obtained, the selected data is selected by a study that can be trusted. (4) Historiography, is the presentation of research results. The results of the study found that at the time of the Kudo Race Attraction, the economy would provide an opportunity for the emergence of considerable economic activity in the form of trading activities, parking and the provision of audience stands. Attractions are able to increase merchant income ranging from Rp 700,000 to Rp 4,000,000 / event. For parking there is an income of around Rp. 600,000 - 2,000,000 per event (usually for 2 days) while for the provision of an audience it is able to earn an income of around Rp. 1,700,000 once. In addition, Kudo Pacu can also increase the sale value of horses used for Kudo Pacu Attraction up to two or three times the original price. Pacu Kudo attractions are also used by the mass media for news programs on TV and their newspapers. From a social perspective, it can maintain the value of mutual cooperation in the community such as mutual cooperation in preparing the stands. Then this event can also improve the relationship of friendship between the communities of one village with other villages. Kudo Race is also used as a place to socialize introducing local culture to tourists.


Impact, Kudo Runway, Social Economy, Tourism.

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