The Effect of Work Culture on the Performance of Civil Affairs in the Office of Cooperatives and UMKM in Kerinci Regency".  

Rahma Sri Wahyuni


The title of this study is the influence of work culture on the performance of civil servants in the cooperative and MSME district offices in Kerinci, this study aims to look at the influence of performance culture on performance. This study uses quantitative methods, because researchers want measurements between variables X and Y. The sample in this study was 38 people. The sampling technique used is saturated sampling of research instruments in the form of questionnaires. The analysis technique uses the simple linear correlation hypothesis test, so T is obtained 12.409> T table 1.688, and the magnitude of the influence of work culture on the performance of civil servants is 81.1%. Conclusion Ha was accepted and Ho was rejected. In other words there was an influence between work culture on the performance of civil servants in the cooperative and MSME Kerinci district offices. Keywords: Work culture and performance

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