Analysis of the Needs of the Learning Module based on Problem Based Learning with Character Education for Class VIII Students of SMPN 28 Kerinci

. Deperia, . Lufri


Abstract - This study was a descriptive study conducted on class VIII students of SMP 28 Kerinci. In the learning process, teachers are expected to understand how to manage learning activities including classes, students, learning activities, content and learning resources. So that in the learning process, students will be active and give a good response to the ongoing learning process. Data from observations and interviews will be explained by explaining how and analyzing data to find conclusions. From the acceptance of the study, it was detected that the module that will be used for the science learning process on the subject of the Digestion System was Problem Based Learning modules that contained character education analyzed, based on curriculum, student character and conceptual description. The conclusion of this study is the analysis of the needs of charged Problem Based Learning learning modules on character education analyzing the curriculum, students, and concepts. The learning process will be used charged Problem Based Learning learning module on product character education is used referring to the steps that exist in Problem Based Learning with a simple and attractive appearance that is tailored to the characteristics of students.


Science Learning; Character Education; Learning Module; PBL.

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