Preliminary Analysis of Problems Botanical Phanerogamae Learning in the Departement of Biology Education IAIN Kerinci

Ine Tentia, Azwir Anhar


Abstract - The purpose of this study was to find out the initial analysis of problems in the learning of phanerogamae botany in the biology education department of IAIN Kerinci. This research was conducted in March 2019. This type of research is quasi-experimental research. The population in this study is the 2nd semester students of biology education at IAIN Kerinci who are registered academically in 2018/2019. The sample in this study used two sample groups namely class II A students as the experimental class and class II B students as the control class observed from the population members who took the technique using purposive sampling technique. The instrument used is a test. Data analysis was performed using the t test. The findings showed that there were significant differences between the competency of phanerogamae botanical students in the experimental class and the control class, the competence in the experimental class was 77,72 and in the control class was 53,00.  So, it was concluded that the study of botany phanerogamae with the collaboration of lecture methods, demonstrations and exercises can improve student competence in the aspect of knowledge.

Keywords - Phanerogamae Botanical Learning; Competence; Collaboration on Lecture, Demonstration and Exercise Methods


Phanerogamae Botanical Learning; Competence; Collaboration on Lecture, Demonstration and Exercise Methods.

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