The Effect of Problem Based Learning Model Multimedia Assisted on Cognitive and Affective Learning Outcomes in Class XI Students in Material Coordination Systems

Nurul Ilmi, Moralita Chatri


This research is motivated by the results of a preliminary study of SMAN 4 Padang which is known to have not maximized the improvement of students' cognitive and affective learning outcomes. In addition, students want a new atmosphere in the learning process with interesting learning models and media. This study aims to determine the effect of multimedia assisted PBL models on cognitive learning outcomes in students, knowing the effect of multimedia assisted PBL models on student affective learning outcomes and better than students who did not apply PBL models. This type of research is quasi-experimental with the population being class XI students of SMAN 4 Padang. The sample consisted of experimental class and control class, sampling technique with purposive sampling technique. This study used the design of randomized control group posttest only design. From the results of this study it was found that the average cognitive and affective learning outcomes of students using the PBL model were better than students who did not use the PBL model.


model of problem based learning, Cognitive, Affective, Learning outcomes

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