Intensive Method of Teaching English Language in Language Courses

Gulnoz Rustamovna Tolibova


The article discusses the features of intensive learning of foreign languages. The study of foreign languages in modern society has become an inseparable component of the training of specialists at all levels. The article takes a brief overview of the private teaching methods of students' foreign language communicative competence. Teaching foreign languages at intensive courses in language centers has its own specifics, which is different from studying at school and university. There are many intensive methods and concepts of teaching foreign languages. The external form as well as the means of implementing the intensive training system is the conscious and purposeful management of the process of communication in the study group by the teacher. A prerequisite for the effective course of this process is to increase the activity and creative role of the teacher, maximum mobilization.


intensive methodology, foreign languages, foreign language communicative competence, English textbook, methodology, suggestion, audio-lingual method

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