The Influence of Quantum Learning Model on Psychomotor Competence of VII Grade Students in Learning Natural Science at Junior High School 3 Rambatan
Based on interviews with a teacher, the main problem faced by teachers in the learning process is the teacher's difficulty in making students active during the learning process, especially in asking questions and issuing their ideas or opinions. This statement is also supported based on observations that have been made at junior high school 3 Rambatan. The following results are obtained: 7,7% of students asking questions and 3,8% of students issuing ideas or opinions. Asking questions and issuing ideas or opinions is part of presentation activities when viewed from students' psychomotor competencies. From these data, it can be said that students' psychomotor competencies, especially in asking questions and issuing ideas or opinions, are still low. This can also affect the learning process in the classroom. Based on the problems faced by students, one of the efforts that can be done by the teacher to help students is by using the quantum learning model. At the demonstration stage, give students the opportunity to show that students know or understand about the material being studied. This type of research is quasi-experimental (quasi-experimental research). The instrument used is the observation sheet. The data analysis technique used the Mann Whitney U test. The analysis was performed using SPSS software. So that the sig value is obtained. the value of 0,003 <0,05. The results of this study indicate that there is the influence of the quantum learning model on psychomotor competencies of VII grade students in learning natural science at junior high school 3 Rambatan.
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