Module Development Based on PBL (Problem Based Learning) on Environmental and Ecosystem Change Materials For Student of Class X SMAN 1 Singkarak
Education is a conscious and planned effort to make the learning atmosphere and learning process so that active students develop their potential to have knowledge, intelligence and skills.Based on the problems obtained in the field the teacher only teaches with textbooks and has not been able to develop teaching materials. This study aims to produce environmental pollution modules based on PBL (Problem Based Learning). PBL (Problem Based Learning) is a learning model that requires students to be able to solve problems, motivate students and improve students' thinking skills.
This type of research is development using the Plomp model. The Plomp development model consists of three stages of development, namely: the initial investigation phase, the development phase and the prototype phase and the assessment phase. The data collection instrument used is the instrument for validating student worksheets. PBL-based Biology Module (Problem Based Learning) is validated by 3 experts and 1 teacher. The results showed that the aspects of content, presentation, language, grammatical scores 84.00%, 82.57%, 87.27 and 79.19% with very valid categories. It can be concluded that the Biology module based on PBL (Problem Based Learning) gets a very valid category so that it is suitable for use during the learning process and is expected to improve student learning outcomes.
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