Participation of the Customers of Rangga Mekar Waste Bank in the Implementation of Waste Bank

Atikah Rahmah, Siti Amanah, Ninuk Purnaningsih


Managing domestic waste is very crucial to protect environment. To do that, participation from community is needed to decrease the volume of waste. Bogor City implements Waste Bank Program to help decreasing the volume of waste produced by the people. The research’s objective is to analyze participation of the customers of Rangga Mekar Waste Bank in the implementation of reduce, reuse, recycle and the factors influence participation of the customers of Rangga Mekar Waste Bank in the implementation of reduce, reuse, recycle. Variables observed in the research were customer’s characteristics, supports from the external agencies, customer’s perception, and participation of the customers in reducing, reusing, recycling. Participation in the implementation of reduce, reuse, recycle consist of: involvement in waste bank activities (planning, implementation, evaluation and utilization of result and implementation of reduce, reuse, recycle. The research’s results show that participation on planning and evaluation are catagorized low. On implementation and utilization of results are catagorized medium. The implementation of reduce is categorized high, on implemantation of reuse and recycle are categoriced low. Participation of the customers is significant-positively influenced by the support from the external agencies such as public figure, the availability of information, government support, extension education support, and group support. Therefore the higher of the support from the external agencies public figure, the availability of information, government support, extension education support, and group support) can increase customers participation in the implementation of reduce, reuse, recycle.


Participation, Implementation Of Reduce Reuse Recycle, Waste Bank.

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