Concept of George C. Edwards Iii on Implementation of Regional Regulations No. 12 of 2017 Concerning Youth in Granting Youth Service in West Sumatera

Roby Hadi Putra, Afriva Khaidir


 This study aims to reveal the implementation of Regional Regulation No.12 of 2017 concerning youth in the provision of youth services in West Sumatra as well as obstacles and efforts made in implementing policies according to the concept of George C. Edwards III in West Sumatra. Pene This type of research is qualitative research using descriptive methods, informants are determined purposively. The research location at the Department of Youth and Sports of West Sumatra Province, the type of data consists of primary and secondary data. Data was collected through interviews, participatory observation, documentation, and literature studies. The results of the study showed the study of the concept of George C. Edwards III's concept of the implementation of regional regulation No.12 of 2017 concerning youth in the provision of youth services in West Sumatra consisting of four results namely 1. Communication, in terms of communication has been running well, 2. Resources, in resources still running less or not maximal in the division of labor. 3. Disposition, while in the attitude of the implementer (disposition) can not be categorized as good because there are still many youth organizations that have not implemented the policy, 4. The bureaucratic structure of the mechanism and procedures is quite simple, and the division of tasks and responsibilities is clear, but coordination between institutions is not maximized . In the study also found several obstacles including human resources, facilities and infrastructure and low knowledge and interest of young people. In order for the implementation of regional regulations on youth to work effectively, the researchers suggested that the Provincial Government of West Sumatra improve coordination and communication between relevant stakeholders in implementing regional regulations.  Keywords : Implication, Policy, George Edwards III, YouthMaster 


Implication, Policy, George Edwards III, Youth

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