Internalization Of Character Values Through The Tahfizh Programs at Junior High 6 Gunung Talang Solok Regency

Poppy Handayani, . Hasrul, Junaidi Indrawadi


This article explains Internalization Of Character Values Through The Tahfizh Programs at Junior High 6 Gunung Talang Solok Regency. The theory used to analyze these findings is vygostsky's theory of the stages of intrapsychology and interpsychology of children's cognitive development. According to Vygotsky, the relationship between humans (Interpsychology) will affect the formation of children's identity or personality (Intrapsychology). This study uses a qualitative approach to the type of case study research. Informant selection technique with purposive sampling. Total informants were 47 people. Data is collected by interviews, observation and documentation. Data were analyzed by the interactive analysis techniques of Miles and Huberman (interactive analysis models), namely data reduction, data models and conclusions. The results of the study revealed that through the Tahfizh routine (Reciting the Alquran) there was reciprocal interaction between counselors and students (Interpsychology) who instilled religious values, hard work, discipline, honesty, and responsibility. The results of these interactions can be seen from the noble character possessed by students who are hafiz quran (Intrapsychology).



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