Analysis of Science Literacy Abilities of Class VIII Junior High School Students in Padang

Devinda Maya Sari, . Violita


This research purpose is to describe the result of class VIII Junior High School student’s science literacy ability in Padang. This kind of research is descriptive research. The technique that is used here is purpose sampling. Gathering data technique is using valid and reliable literacy question sheet supported with student’s and teacher’s interview data. The analizing data technique is by counting average score of student’s science literacy test. Technique for checking data’s validity is by using triangulation technique. The result shows that student’s science literacy categorized as low level. The conclusion of this research is the ability of  class VIII Junior High School in Padang based on total scores, basic competency and science competency shows that the average value of SMPN 1 Padang is the highest. Then followed by the SMP Ar-risalah Padang and SMP Manjushri Padang with a low category.


Analysis, 21 century education; Science literacy; Science.

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