Impact of the Synergy of Agriculture Policy and Social Protection Programs on the Agricultural Household Economy, Karawang Regency, West Jawa

Arham Rivai, Bonar M. Sinaga, Hermanto Siregar, Harianto .


Both agricultural policy and social protection programs are needed for reducing poverty, but little attention has been paid to the integration between them. This study aims to analyze the impact of changes in agricultural policy and social protection programs on agricultural household economics. The results showed that the synergy of agricultural policy in the form suppror price of grain (HPP) and social protection programs in the form of conditional cash transfer (CCT) was the best policy instrument in improving the welfare of rice farmers and in reducing the number of the poor in rural areas. The synergy of these two policies can be applied and is possible as an alternative choice. In addition, CCT instruments in particular are also able to redistribute income so that they have a stronger push to reduce the number of the poor in the rural countryside. The impact of policy synergy is higher for farmers with a strata of land area below 0.5 hectares.


Agricultural Policy, Social Protection Programs, Agricultural Household Model.

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