Fulfillment of the Rights of Children with Special Needs at the Orphanage Waraqil Jannah Tanah Datar

Retno Maya Sari, Fatmariza .


This article will explain how the fulfillment of children with special needs in orphanages Waraqil Jannah located in Nagari Paninjauan, Sumataera West, where this particular orphanage to accommodate children who have abnormalities and growth. Children with special needs are children who grow differently than other normal children, where children with special needs have obstacles in their development both physically, mentally, and emotionally so that it requires special services. This study uses qualitative research with descriptive methods. Informant selection technique with purposive sampling. Data is collected by interview, observation and documentation. So that the data obtained can be trusted (valid), then in this study triangulation is done, namely source and time triangulation. The data obtained were analyzed by referring to Miles and Huberman's analysis model with steps namely data reduction, data model ( data display) and conclusion drawing . The results of this study explain that in fulfilling the rights of children with special needs in orphanages it is still constrained in terms of finance and labor. However, basic needs such as food, clothing, and shelter needs have been tried as well as possible, children can still eat, dress, and live in appropriate places. In the fulfillment of current health rights , the institution has requested health insurance from the social service , and is in the process of being processed. and fulfillment of religious needs has been given even though it is still at the basic stage.


Keywords : fulfillment of rights, children with special needs

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.52155/ijpsat.v15.1.954


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