Student Behavior Coaching Program On Citizenship Education Subjects At SMKN 1 Bonjol

Hafidh Kurniawan, Isnarmi Isnarmi, Helmi Hasan


The first purpose from this research is to make changes to student behavior that are expected to be applied in schools with high levels of student delinquency the program is the change and impact in doing the better action, suitable with our norms in Pancasila. This research is used the research and the development method, that is know as research and development. In this we use analyze, design, development, implementation, evaluation, or ADDIE. The result of this research is a design program fording attitude morality students is a based on the problem revision and validation by expert of moral attitude, and the actor of program design and process in validation of a program fording attitude morality. This research later is hope cam be the following reference in fording attitude morality students.


Program Design; Attitude Morality; Civic Education

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