Analysis of Chemical Representation in Brady, Sudarmo, and Kuswati Books of Class XI High School in the Material of Chemical Reaction

Rifkatul Jannah, Latisma Dj


This study aims to analyze chemistry textbooks of class XI SMA in terms of chemical representation with criteria developed by Gkitzia, et al, namely R1 (type of representation ), R2 (interpretation of surface features), R3 (relatedness to text), R4 (existence and properties of a caption), and R5 (degree ofcorrelation between representations comprising a multiple one. As a standard book, chemical textbooks "Chemistry The Molecular Nature of Matter" are used Brady The analysis was carried out on the Sudarmo Book (book A) and the Kuswati Book (book B) .The results of the analysis showed that in terms of image representation, book A contains fourteen representations with type (R1) macro and hybrid proportional to 10%, submicro and symbolic comparable 40 %; (R2) 10% explicit feature; (R4) description according to 70%. Book B, contains fifteen representations with 23% macro type (R1), submicro 4%, symbolic 35%, multiple and hybrid hybrid 19 %; (R2) explicit features 69%; (R3) text linkages (59%); information according to 79%, suficiently linked 40%).


Chemical Representation, Chemical Reaction, Analysis of Chemical Textbooks.

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