Semiconductor-Based Photocatalysts Degradation of Methyl Orange Using Cuo-Fe2O3 Nanocomposites

Sukma Hayati Ae, Ratnawulan ., Ramli .


Indonesia is a country rich in natural resources. One of the resources is natural material including minerals and the metals such as iron ore, copper, silica, bauxite, tin, nickel, etc. However, Indonesia only has been using the raw materials for exportation. The low utilization of hematite (Fe2O3) in iron ore and tenorite (CuO) in copper motivated the researcher to improve the use value of the two materials. The effort made by the researcher was developing hematite (Fe2O3) and tenorite (CuO) into a semiconductor nanocomposite photocatalyst CuO-Fe2O3 that had the degradation ability of methyl orange.

It was an experimental research. The research was the development of nanocomposite photocatalyst materials of CuO-Fe2O3. These materials were used for observe degradation ability of methyl orange under the sunlight. Then, the thin layer formed from it was caracterized by using Uv-Vis.

The result from this research showed that the long solar radiation duration of the materials affected the degradation ability of Methyl Orange. The percentage of degradation also increased when they were heated up from 2 hours (0.2377%) to 4 hours (2.2043%) and continuosly increased when 6 hours radiated (5.1866%). The longer the sample was radiated, the higher the percentage was. The optimal Methyl Orange degradation ability was ontained when it was radiated for 6 hours (5.1866%).  


Nanocomposytes, Photocatalyst, Percentage of Degradation, Methyl Orange

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