The Making of Learning Module on the Subject Matter of Colloidal System Based on Guided Inquiry at 11th Grade of SMA

Zulmariko ., Mawardi ., Budhi Oktavia


This study aims to develop a learning module of chemistry based of guided inquiry in colloidal system and reveal the validity, practicality, and effectiveness of chemistry learning module subject of guided inquiry-based colloidal system. The development model used in this research is adapting 4D model. This model consists of 4 development stages of Define, Design, Develop. and Desseminate or adapted into 4D models, namely Define, Design, Development, and Dessiminate. Procedure of development conducted in this research is stage of defining, designing and developing. Types of data collected in this study are validity, practicality and effectiveness using validation module learning sheet, observation sheet, questionnaire and learning result test. Based on the validation result by the four validators, it can be concluded that the moment of kappa based learning module is guided inquiry is 0.80 and categorized high validity, so it can be used by teacher to teach the colloid material in SMA. The level of practicability of guided inquiry based learning modules developed can be seen from the extent to which teachers and students can use the learning module during the learning process in the classroom. This learning module is tested on students, grade 11th’s of SMAN 3 Painan, and has a reliability of 0.615. This research concludes that the chemistry learning module of the subject of colloid system based on guided inquiry is feasible to be used as a high school chemistry learning module


Module, Guided Inquiry, Colloidal System.

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