The Effect of Active Learning Strategy Index Card Match-Typed on Childrens’ Ability to Count

Sri Yanti, Hadiyanto .


This backgroud of this study is motivated by the ability to count children still not developed in PAUD Tanjung Jati Islamic Education Foundation. The purpose of this study was to see the effect of active learning strategy called index card match-typed on childrend’s ability to count. Quantitative approach with quashi experiment design was applied in this research. The population of this study is 30 students of the B PAUD group at Tanjung Jati Islamic Education Foundation which is divided into 2 groups namely group B1 and group B2. Saturated Sampling was used in this study. Based on the calculation of the t-test obtained t count > t table, so that the alternative hypothesis was accepted. Thus it can be concluded that the active learning strategy index card match-typed has a significant effect on children's ability to count in PAUD Tanjung Jati Islamic Education Foundation.


Ability to Count, Index Card Match

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