Need Analysis on SETS (Science, Environment, Technology and Society)-Based Practice Guidance Development for Semester II of X Grade of Senior High School

Selfi Kurnia Fitri, Azwir Anhar


Abstract— Purpose of the research was to reveal, analyze, describe and explain reality about the need for developing SETS (Science, Environment, Technology, Society)-based Biology practice guidance. It was a descriptive research by using qualitative approach. It was conducted in SMAN 4 Padang. Based on data analysis, results of this preliminary research are: First, practice guidance used in school has not been arranged systematically. It is still in form of students worksheets. Second, it does not have complete components, such as cover and supporting materials. Third, it is not valid, practical and effective. Fourth, it does not implement learning approach and model to improve students' motivation and skills. Fifth, SETS (Science, Environment, Technology, Society)-based Biology learning materials is not available. Sixth, which is expected to be able to train students' integrative skill in four components (Science, Environment, Technology, Society) has not been optimally trained.


Need Analysis, Development, Practice Guidance, SETS (Science, Environment, Technology, and Society), Students

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