The Validity of Assessment’s Instrument in Science Subject Based on Science Literacy for Junior High School

Wilvi Eko Saputra, Zulyusri .


The study aimed to determine the validity of science-based science literacy subject evaluation tool for first semester junior high school students in grade IX had been conducted. This type of research is development research using the Plump model development. The validity of science-based science literacy subject evaluation tools is carried out with 2 types of validity namely logical validity and empirical validity. Logical validity is carried out by 5 experts who assess the validity of the questions developed. Based on logical validity it is known that science questions based on science literacy that has been developed have met valid criteria with an average validity of 88.98%. Empirical validity is determined by calculating the value of the validity of each item by using the product moment formula. As many as 60 scientific literacy-based items developed for each question have different values of item validity according to the type of problem. From the results of the validity of the items as a whole obtained a value of 67.67% and included in the valid criteria. Based on the second value of this validity (logical and empirical validity) it can be concluded that the questions developed are included in the valid criteria with a validity value of 78.33%.


Validity, Evaluation’s Tool, Science Literacy, Science Subject.

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