The Validity of Learning Devices with Creative Problem Solving Models to Improve Mathematical Problem-Solving Ability

Yefi Yuni Sisriwati, Hendra Syarifuddin


This validity aims to find out the validity of mathematical learning devices based on creative problem solving models to improve students' mathematical problem solving abilities. Product learning is said to be valid if valid from the content and construct. Content validity is the suitability of the product developed with the specified curriculum. Validated learning tools, namely the Learning Implementation Plan (RPP)and Student Worksheet (LKPD) class X SMA, while construct validity is thesuitability of the product developed with the theories that become the foundation ofproduct development. This learning tool is validated by 3 Mathematics Experts, 1Indonesian Language Expert and 1 Educational Technology Expert. Validity isobtained from the results of validation by experts using an instrument in the form of aquestionnaire. The validation results of the experts indicate that the learning devicemeets valid criteria


Learning Device Validity; Creative Problem Solving Model; and Problem Solving Ability

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