The Development of IPA Guiding Practicum with Constructivism Oriented For Junior High School Student at Class VII
The implementation of practical requires students to be able to work in the laboratory or in the field. By practicing, students can gain knowledge, understanding, scientific work skills, can maintain concepts from initial knowledge, and develop scientific attitudes. Students will get new experiences and direct experience so that they are more motivated in learning. The implementation of practicum activities in schools requires a practical guide that can construct students' knowledge so that students more easily understand the material to be practiced. One approach that can be used in developing a practical guide is constructivism that can build students' initial knowledge. However, in the school of the 1st Junior High School of Ulakan Tapakis, the practicum does not have a specific guide or practical guide. Based on this, research is conducted which aims to produce practical, valid and effective practical guides.
This type of research is development using the Plomp model. The plomp model consists of three stages of development namely: 1) the initial investigation phase, 2) the stage of developing and making a prototype, and 3) the assessment phase. The data collection instruments used in this study are constructivism oriented science guide guideline sheets, practical questionnaires for teachers and students, student affective observation sheets, psychomotor observation sheets, and student learning outcomes tests. The guideline of the prototype of guiding practicum was validated by 3 experts and 2 teachers.
The results showed that didactic aspects, construct aspects and technical aspects by experts 81.0%, and by practitioners 82.5% with very valid categories. The results of practicality by teachers and students show that both categories are very practical (81.7% and 85.2%). The results of the practical guideline test effectiveness from the positive, affective and psychomotor aspects show that effective guidance helps achieve the three competency domains. So that it can be concluded that the constructivism-oriented science practice guide has a very valid category, very practical, effective.
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