Self Image of Male Adolescents Who Does Face Treatment Routinely at Skin Care Clinic in Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Novia Putri Anggraini


This study was aimed to determine the self-image of male adolescents who does face treatment routinely at skin care clinics in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, also the factors that influencing of their self-image. The methodology used in this study was qualitative method with phenomenology approach. Subjects in this study were three male adolescents who does face treatment routinely at skin care clinics in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Qualitative data analysis was obtained from in-depth interview and non-participant observation. Data were analyzed by using content analysis technique. The result of this study showed that commonly male adolescent’s self image is a positive self image. Based on the aspects, positive self image of male adolescent is found in identity, behavior, self-personal, self-family and self-social aspect. That is happen because they have strong motivation, self-confidence and optimistic that they will get a better life. They can carry out their roles in the family or social environment. But, there were also negative self image, that is on self-physical and satisfaction aspect. Male adolescents often compared their body to others, so they see themselves from underestimate perspective. There were factors that influencing their self image, such as physical, clothes and jewelry, peers, parenting, family, social development and other’s reaction to themselves.  


Self Image, Male Adolescent, Skin Care Clinic, Yogyakarta

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