Analysis of the Selection of City and Railroad Bus Transport Modes Route to Tebing Tinggi City - Medan City

Dewi Lestari Siregar, SE Prof.Dr.lic.rer.reg.Sirojuzilam, Dr.Ir.Riadil Akhir Lubis M.Si


Transportation is needed to ensure the implementation of population mobility and goods. The large number of workers, social relations such as education and trade has caused population mobility between the cities of Tebing Tinggi and Medan to increase. This study aims to analyze the factors that influence the community in choosing a mode of transportation to travel the Tebing Tinggi-Medan route between buses and trains. The research sample was 150 passengers. The analytical method used is binary logistic regression. The results showed that the variables that influence the choice of city and railroad bus transportation modes in the city of Tebing Tinggi - Kota Medan are gender variables (X2), income (X3), transport availability (X4), comfort and suitability (X5), costs transport (X6) and travel time (X8). The community of Tebing Tinggi City prefers buses as a mode of transportation to get to Medan City because based on the availability of transportation, buses are more in demand because passengers do not have to wait for the time available, can be obtained according to the departure time desired by passengers.


Mode of Transportation, Bus, Railway, Binary Logistic Regression

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