Political Information Seeking of The First-time Voters in Local Politics Contestation
Political knowledge obtained from political information seeking activities is the prominent factor needed by the participants before they are engaged in political choice. This has especially prevailed in a country that adheres democracy system from central to local government. This study aimed at describing information seeking behavior among first-time voters during the process of local politics contestation. The research design used in this study was descriptive qualitative that involved nine first-time voters as the source of data in the direct depth-interview. The findings showed that the first-time voters’ action on political information seeking tended to be passive in which the main source of political information was from their family while the local media was the additional source that encouraged political talks in a family. Therefore, the received content information was the background of the local leader candidate.
Keywords: Behavior, Information Seeking, Local Leaders Election, The First-time Voters
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.52155/ijpsat.v11.2.645
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