The Influence of Information Seeking toward Decision-Making through Brand Awareness in the Use of Go-Jek

Puspita Noor Pratiwi, Andre N. Rahmanto, Yulius Slamet


This study focused on examining the influence of word of mouth (WOM), electronic word of mouth (eWOM), and brand awareness toward decision-making in the use of Go-Jek in Solo. The sample was 100 university students chose randomly. The theory used in this study was the decision-making theory focusing on information seeking through WOM and eWOM. A quantitative approach in the form of path analysis method was used to measure the influence of causality theory on word of mouth (WOM), electronic word of mouth (eWOM), and brand awareness towards decision-making in the use of Go-Jek among students. Regarding the analysis, it was noted that (1) WOM had no positive influence towards decision-making in the use of Go-Jek, which means information seeking through word of mouth (WOM) did not influence the consumer decision-making on the information needs of Go-Jek; (2) eWOM had positive influence toward decision-making in the use of Go-Jek, which means information seeking through social media in the form of opinion or called as WOM influenced consumers decision-making on the information needs of Go-Jek; (3) WOM and eWOM had positive influence and significant simultaneous influence towards decision-making in the use of Go-Jek, which means these two variables gave significant influence in decision-making in the use of Go-Jek. The contribution supported the theory of decision-making focusing on information seeking stage.

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