Development of Bureaucracy Based on Technology (E-Government) in the SWOT Perspective

Liliek Winarni



In a fairly extreme view, technology is considered the last love of man. Technology is included in almost all aspects of human life, including in the line of bureaucracy. Bureaucracy in the contemporary world is a digital technology-based bureaucracy. Technology always produces two opposite sides, namely positive and negative. In the intersection of technology with bureaucracy, this reflection will be based on SWOT analysis to get a fair picture. This research is a qualitative descriptive study with the aim of critically looking at the use of digital technology in bureaucratic functions. Primary data is literature on computational technology and public policy. Secondary data from reporting - reporting on bureaucracy and efforts to use digital technology. The results showed that digital technology is compatible with digital bureaucratic approaches, except that the problem of technological literacy at the level of the bureaucratic apparatus and the public using public services is still a significant obstacle.

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