The Text as a Main Form of Verbal Connection in Mass Communication

Bakieva Gulandom Hisamovna


The article focuses on designing, interpreting, and interpreting the media, the way in which information is prepared and transmitted by each participant of the process, through the propaganda of the media channels, ideological guidelines, and cultural change. The communicative integrity of the journalist text is provided through the link between the communicative structure of the author and the main idea of the text and its linguistic expressions, as well as the defining of the purpose and the form of the functional semantic speech.


Mass Communication, Medialinguistics, Mediatext, Text Theory, Journalistic Information, Information Transmitting Channel 1. Novoe v zarubejnoy lingvistike. Teoriya reichevyx aktov / Sost. i Kobozovoy. – M .: Progress, 1986. – Vx.XVII. 2. Galpe

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