An Efficient Supply Chain Data Warehousing Model For Big Data Analytics

Odochi C-E Iheukwumere, Udoka F. Eze, Anthony I. Otuonye, Charles O. Ikerionwu


This research work is aimed at developing a supply chain data warehousing model for big data analytics that will be used for reporting and analysis purposes. Objected-Oriented Design methodology was adopted for the study. A big data supply chain dataset of a retail outlet from a real world business transaction was used for data analysis. Google storage bucket was created in Google BigQuery for storage and analysis of the data.  Data was uploaded into Google storage in the cloud, after which the supply chain data table was created using SQL query.  Star Schema dimensional model was created for integrating data into the cloud.  For descriptive and diagnostic analytics including feature engineering, the integrated datasets, advanced feature engineering techniques were applied to create derived variables that enhanced the model interpretability and predictive power.  Google big Query was linked to Google collab for big data analytics, after which a preliminary analysis was conducted in Google collab showing the first row of the dataset.  There was then a decomposition of the time series analysis into trend, seasonality, residuals and original.  To perform predictive analytics, the processed dataset was split into training and test datasets to prevent over-fitting.  To optimize the model performance, the hyperparameters were adjusted.  The forecasting model was implemented within the dashboard using ARIMA and Prophet time series forecasting methods  in training the models; and Random forest regression machine learning model in order to implement the most important features that drives sales as well as demand.  MAPE and RMSE were used as model evaluation metrics for the predictive analytics of the proposed model.  After cross validation of the performance metrics, the study revealed that incorporating advanced Prophet, ARIMA and Random Forest models enhanced the predictive capabilities of the proposed system, leading to more precise inventory management.  In conclusion, the proposed system offers better improvements with respect to reliability, performance, scalability, and recoverability because it is designed to handle complex, large scale data operations which are very crucial in modern business environments. The proposed supply chain data warehousing model for big data analytics is highly recommended for supply chain management/managers in inventory management, as the model will help in optimizing the inventory levels as well as improving the supply chain business.


Keywords: Supply Chain, Data Warehousing, Big Data, Analytics


Supply Chain; Data Warehousing; Big Data; Analytics

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