A Study of Key Factors Affecting Teamwork and Organizational Performance
Human resource management is a critical component of effective organizational management for leaders. Human resource development and management are now priorities for organization management in order for the organization to function toward organizational success. Organizational performance is a key indicator of success that can be determined by a variety of metrics, including financial and marketing efficacy. Key elements influencing the success of the company must be taken into account by management. Organizations should also prioritize teamwork, which is a crucial internal component. The significance of teamwork in affecting organizational success has also been highlighted by numerous research. The key elements that influence teamwork and organizational success were compiled by the researchers through a survey of the literature and earlier studies. The researcher's literature review process will study data that is not more than ten years in the past in order to make the data reliable and up-to-date enough to use the research results in the organization's human resource management. Establishing a conceptual framework for research that is crucial to organizational human resource management is the aim of this study. The organization's performance will improve in the short and long terms if operations are concentrated on these crucial elements. The most important goal of an organization's human resource management is to enable the organization to survive in a crisis and ultimately operate sustainably.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.52155/ijpsat.v42.1.5878
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