Community-Based Ecotourism Development Planning in Bukit Lawang Plantation Village, Bahorok District, Langkat Regency

Muhammad Roja Sanofa, Satia Negara Lubis, Agus Purwoko


This study explores the development of community-based ecotourism in Perkebunan Bukit Lawang village, Langkat Regency. Emphasizing active community involvement in decision-making, the research highlights its effectiveness in ensuring both positive economic impacts and environmental sustainability. Local residents manage tourism-related income independently, fostering a self-sustaining model without imposing burdens on the government. Community engagement extends to roles as vendors and cleanliness officers, creating new employment opportunities and cultivating a welcoming atmosphere for visitors. The success of Perkebunan Bukit Lawang's ecotourism is evident through multifaceted economic benefits, including direct, indirect, and sustainable impacts. Active community participation enhances the destination's image, portraying a locally friendly and open attitude, contributing to a comfortable atmosphere for tourists. The study underscores the importance of preserving the unique local culture and character. Initiatives such as supporting traditional institutions, facilitating and supporting community needs, respecting diverse activities, allowing creative space for locals, and implementing cultural preservation programs are crucial for maintaining the area's distinctiveness.

While highlighting strengths such as pristine natural conditions and a strategic location, challenges persist, including inadequate visitor awareness of environmental cleanliness and ambiguous regulatory frameworks. Lack of clear regulations results in overlapping responsibilities, requiring collaborative agreements to define sustainable tourism responsibilities. In conclusion, active community participation is crucial for successful community-based ecotourism. Strengthening synergies, empowering communities, raising environmental awareness among tourists, and continuous cultural preservation efforts are vital for sustainable development, transforming Perkebunan Bukit Lawang into an environmentally sustainable tourist destination, empowering the local community sustainably.


ecotourism, sustainable development, local empowerment

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