Analysis Of Urban Food Poverty And Policy Strategies For Food Control In The City Of Medan

Win Egi Aprialliswan, Satia Negara Lubis, Suwardi Lubis


This research analyzes food poverty in the city of Medan and formulates food control policy strategies. The analysis of the proportion of food consumption expenditures indicates high poverty rates in several districts, particularly in Medan Belawan and Medan Marelan. The SWOT approach identifies policy alternatives in quadrant 1, leveraging opportunities and strengths to address the food security and vulnerability of impoverished households. Five priority strategies were obtained, involving the optimization of food price control, increasing the availability and reserves of food, business collaboration strategies, supply control from hinterland areas, and improving economic access. The research conclusion emphasizes the need for simultaneous policy implementation covering aspects of food availability, distribution, and quality. Recommendations involve cross-sector collaboration to ensure policy sustainability and a focus on priority strategies. It is hoped that the implementation of these policies can reduce food poverty levels and improve the well-being of impoverished households in the city of Medan.



food poverty, food policy, SWOT analysis, priority strategies, Medan City.

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