A Review on Farmer Regeneration and Its Determining Factors in Indonesia

Oeng Anwarudin, Sumardjo Sumardjo, Arif Satria, Anna Fatchiya


Agricultural development in Indonesia is currently focused on sustainable agriculture. However, the number of young farmers in Indonesia is much lower than elderly farmers. This condition raises concerns that over time, the number of farmers will decrease as result of ardous way in farmer regeneration. This article analyzes the importance of farmer regeneration and the factors determining farmer regeneration through a review of various literatures. Based on the literature reviews, farmer regeneration is very important, particularly when associated with agricultural sustainability. Farmer regeneration depends on the actors as part of the social aspect of agricultural sustainability. If farmer regeneration does not become concern, it can be predicted that agriculture sustainability will become stagnant and even decline. Some foreign and domestic literature studies revealed linkages of regeneration and young farmer generation with other variables both expressly and implicitly. Some of the factors determining agricultural actor regeneration are the characteristics of the young generation, government support, family support, community support, market support, the role of agricultural extension agents, the motivation of the younger generation, and the participation of the younger generation in agriculture.


farmer, regeneration, young farmer, farm succession

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.52155/ijpsat.v10.2.574


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