Female Puppeteers And Feminine Wayang Characters In The Javanese Wayang Kulit Arts

Agus Efendi


The evolution of Javanese wayang kulit purwa performance art is intrinsically related to the efforts of its supporting artists. They have an innovative mind that motivates them to continually be inventive and distinctive, which has colored the forms of the story, storyline, characters, puppets, accompaniment, and nearly all of the elements in the performance. However, relatively few puppetry stories deal with the lives of female characters. This study was designed with a descriptive qualitative methods with a critical ethnography approach, which is perceived to be capable of providing clear information about the trend of minimum development of female characters in wayang art. The results revealed that; first, from the artist viewpoint, according to their experience, female artists who promote the life of wayang art are more inclined to engage in male-oriented activities. This situation also affects their capacity to express themselves and be creative, particularly when composing stories in wayang. The audience provides both roles. Wayang performances have become an outstanding appeal for people to come along and appreciate.


female characters; Javanese; male artisans; wayang performance,

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.52155/ijpsat.v41.1.5666


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