Manufacturing Animal Infusion Fluid Control And Monitoring Tools As Health Facilities At The Animal Polyclinic Of IPB Vocational School

Aep Setiawan, Mahfuddin Zuhri, Henny Endah, Hudi Santoso, Nanda Octavia, Dastin Arjuna Wianzah, Febri Liswardani, Ibnu Rasya Ramadhan, Irfan Hafidh Alfansyah, Ilham Gunawan, Ayattuloh Khomaeni, Monica Gusti, Regan Juana


Making a device for monitoring infusion fluids in animals serves to create a drip-based infusion control deviceNodeMCU ESP32 on infusion equipment. This tool is equipped withsensorsphotodiode which functions to detect droplets of infusion fluid. The results of monitoring and reading infusion drops will later be entered on the website which can be accessed via desktop or mobile. If the infusion drops are in accordance with the predetermined amount, then buzzerwill besound as a reminder. The tool that will be created is IoT based which canconnectedwith the website. The function of the website is to regulate the number of infusion drops and record the data laterconvertedin the form of an excel file. The automation tools that will be created can be accessed remotely via desktop or mobile computers. This IV fluid automation tool can be applied to pets such as cats and dogs. The dose of intravenous fluid given to animals is adjusted to the animal's needs based on recommendations from the veterinarian. There are two important components in this tool, namely the upper part to regulate the transfer of the infusion based on load and the lower part to regulate the number of infusion drops given.


Monitoring tools, Photodiode sensors, websites, IoT, infusion fluid dosage, infusion transfer, number of droplets

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Copyright (c) 2023 Aep Setiawan, Mahfuddin Zuhri, Henny Endah, Hudi Santoso, Nanda Octavia, Dastin Arjuna Wianzah, Febri Liswardani, Ibnu Rasya Ramadhan, Irfan Hafidh Alfansyah, Ilham Gunawan, Ayattuloh Khomaeni, Monica Gusti, Regan Juana

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