Communication Strategy of Gig Economy Single Mother Workers in the Online Transportation Sector in Carrying Out Dual Roles

Rafif Azmi, Muhamad Isnaini


The development of digital technology can improve human intelligence; this is relatedto finding a job that suits them. There is an economy platform with a gig work program in online transportation services. Women are currently increasing in number against patriarchal opposition by determining the profession of online motorcycle taxi drivers as their jobs, such as the perception in society that this profession is a male profession, but this does not discourage women online motorcycle taxi drivers from seeking prosperi ty by becoming motorcycle taxi drivers. Discussion of women which is increasingly intensifying, encourages women to equate their ex istence with men's. Women are seen as only suitable for raising children and managing the household, but with the increasing demands of life, many women reject this view. They not only want to take care of their children and household, but they also want to work in the public sector. The theory used is the theory of symbolic interactionism. This study uses a descriptive qualitative approach with a case study method. Data was collected through observation, interviews, and documentation. The informants of this study are single mothers who work as online motorcycle taxi drivers. The data collection technique that the researcher used was the case study method, including notes, documentation, tabulation material, and narration from K. Yin. Data analysis includes data examination, classification, validation, analysis, and conclusions. The results of the study show that single mothers who work as online motorcycle taxi drivers have their own way of dividing their time between domestic and public roles, and communication between single mothers with their children an d consumers is well established. That is what makes their income as an onli ne motorcycle taxi driver able to meet the needs of his children and family.


Single Mother, Online Transportation, Symbolic Interactionism.

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