Simulation of Heterogeneous Particle Deposition using Digital Visual Fortran

Ni'matur Rohmah, Moh. Hasan, Alfian Futuhul Hadi


Granular particles have unique behaviour because it can behave like solids, liquids, and gaseous subtances. So, it is necessary to discuss the dynamics of these particles. Dynamical particles involve normal force, tangential force, and gravity force. Deposition is dropping particles at a medium, it produces a pile of particles. First step of simulation is assigned collision criteria. Next step is simulation using digital visual Fortran software and the final step is to analyze it. Based on simulation, dynamic behavior of particles is seen through on video created by assembling images of simulation result. The largest particles are fallen spread to underlying medium then followed by smaller particles. It fallen on center of pile until particles below bears a much heavier than the mass of particles. The smaller particles on center of pile pushes at the bottom and it makes cavity. As a result, the pile seems to have two peaks on static condition


Deposition, Granular particles, Simulation, Fortran.

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