Implementation of Gamification on Learning Motivation: A Meta-Analysis Study

Ika Puspitasari, Shokhibul Arifin


This research aims to determine the impact of gamified learning on learning motivation. The research method used in this study is meta-analysis, which involves reviewing and analyzing 8 scientific articles downloaded from the Google Scholar platform. Data were obtained by searching online journal articles using keywords such as gamification and learning motivation. From the conducted search, 19 articles were found, but only 8 of them were relevant for use in the study. Based on the analysis, the use of gamification in education has been proven to increase students' learning motivation, with the lowest increase recorded at 8.33% and the highest at 89.33%. Gamification has a significant influence on students' learning motivation. The concept of gamification can be implemented in educational activities in line with technological advancements. Additionally, game characteristics, such as the presence of challenges, can make learning more engaging and enjoyableThis research aims to determine the impact of gamified learning on learning motivation. The research method used in this study is meta-analysis, which involves reviewing and analyzing 8 scientific articles downloaded from the Google Scholar platform. Data were obtained by searching online journal articles using keywords such as gamification and learning motivation. From the conducted search, 19 articles were found, but only 8 of them were relevant for use in the study. Based on the analysis, the use of gamification in education has been proven to increase students' learning motivation, with the lowest increase recorded at 8.33% and the highest at 89.33%. Gamification has a significant influence on students' learning motivation. The concept of gamification can be implemented in educational activities in line with technological advancements. Additionally, game characteristics, such as the presence of challenges, can make learning more engaging and enjoyable

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